September 26, 2010

First Post

Hello, world! When one starts a blog, it seems fitting to begin with the "First Post" to give a bit of an explanation for the site. I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. I'm married to my first love, and we have a beautiful son Nicolas who is close to 3mths old now. As I write this, I'm home on maternity leave and loving every second of it. Too bad I go back to work this October... I would stay at home with Nicolas forever!

Like most parents will tell you, having a kid is not cheap! My mission is to find ways to help my son develop and explore the world without breaking the bank. And as I come up with new ways to entertain my son, I'll share those ideas with you here! I'm sure you will see that there are so many things you can do with your kids at home and right here in South Florida!

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